Wednesday, August 17, 2011

PB swirl cookies

This has to be one of the best cookie recipe i have ever made!
See the dark spots that's the PB swirl!! 
Okay some notes about the recipe, i was measuring the peanut butter for the recipe and realized it needed the whole jar and i didnt have to measure it. It was really hard to get the peanut butter swirl because the pb mixture would get soft to quickly. i just had to break it into larger chunks then intended and just gently stir it in being really careful to not get rid of the lovely swirl.
p.s. the Peanut butter truffle mixture is so yummy! maybe it would work on other treats
Original recipe: CC and PBTruffle Swirled Cookies 

Nutella cookies?

Want to eat it right of the jar? ya me too

An adjustment i made to this recipe was that i added about 4 tbsp. of flour the dough was to sticky to handle and i chilled the dough before handling it.   When you break these cookies in half you see the lovely nutella, yummy warm but until they cool down you wont see the nutella. Here is the low down chocolate-y cookie with nutella on the inside. Next time i will put nutella in the cookie dough. How did i get the nutella in the middle? I used a regular ice cream scoop then flattened the cookie out like a pancake put the nutella in the middle and rolled it up.
Original Recipe: Nutella Lava Cookies 

yum yum