Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Sweet Sliders and Fries!

Would you like a slider and some fries?
They perfect idea for a picnic. Since there are so many steps to this I don't do it from scratch, that would be to time consuming for me.
Sliders: Make yellow cupcakes, i do not use any liners, and just use some pam. After the cook i slice the cupcakes in half. the patty is made from a brownie, not to thick, just use a round cookies cuter. For ketchup, mustard and lettuce i use the same frosting divided up in to there portions dyed with food coloring. I place each color in a zip loc bag, snip a corner and add "condiments". Use a tooth pick to hold it together and it looks cooler.
Fries: snikerdoodle  cookies, I dont get why but a lot of people like snickerdoodles. I made large rounds and slice the cookies when they were still hot from the oven, let them cool then removed from cookie sheet. Ketchup is just red frosting. 

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